Kristi Boulton is a veteran participant of the Hamilton Fringe Festival, excelling in both improv comedy and musical theatre projects respectively. It was only a matter of time before Boulton took to the stage as a solo artist to regale audiences with her stories and that time is now.

The Underwear Fairy (and Other Love Stories) chronicles her love life with engaging tales of infatuation, heartbreak, sexual discovery, loss and a deeply disturbing mysterious Underwear Fairy who, quite literally, violated Boulton’s home and intimates on more than one occasion. Boulton’s set is minimalist but effective, showcasing a trove of tangible memories. Each prop has a story that relates back to the infamous Underwear Fairy. You would never know that this show was carefully scripted with how effortlessly Boulton transitions from story to story as if she’s casually relating her experiences to an immediately captivated audience. Her natural charm, wit and storytelling prowess shines through even the most harrowing parts of her journey and we empathize with her beyond a mere performer to audience relationship.

Nothing phases Boulton as she interacts with her audience’s audible side comments, gasps and looks of shock and disbelief as she unpacks decades of unnerving violations affecting Boulton and other members of her family as well. She mirrors these reactions right back at us and while we never uncover the full mystery, we are left satisfied with Boulton’s journey of self-acceptance and the various forms of love that challenge, change and allow her to be the person she is today. Likewise, the audience’s laughter is loud and infectious when Boulton describes uproariously funny anecdotes, turns of phrase and visuals that will stick with you long after you leave the theatre. Two words: Breast Tetris.

There are important themes in this production beyond the comedic and coming-of-age frame work regarding love, forgiveness and how vulnerability itself is a form of love. The amount of acceptance it takes to share these intimate stories is no small feat and Boulton’s quiet moments of reflection are unexpectedly her strongest. It is always refreshing seeing a natural-born comedian unmask themselves to show a different side of their strengths and talent. Bravo.

It is no surprise this show was listed several times as a must-see at this year’s Fringe. I echo these sentiments wholeheartedly. I cannot stress how fascinating, strange, relatable and captivating this production is. Lock up your favourite unmentionables and bask in the powerhouse performance of Kristi Boulton and her Underwear Fairy.


