PREVIEW: Interview with DLT's Jared Lenover
Dundas Little Theatre opens its 2023-24 season with a darkly comedic classic Arsenic and Old Lace. It's a great thematic choice for October: full of mystery, murder and of course, a little mayhem for good measure.
I had the pleasure of a virtual interview with one of the cast members who is no stranger to playing unusual characters. In his stage career, Jared Lenover has come to be known for his ability to take characters and endear them to audiences. We discuss his character of Teddy Brewster, his process and what audiences can expect from this production. Audiences can now also check out the newly revamped website for Dundas Little Theatre thanks to Lenover and his spouse's creative efforts as well!
INTERVIEW with Jared Lenover
Photo: Jared Lenover, portraying the role of lovable and confused Uncle Teddy Brewster in DLT's upcoming production of Joseph Kesselring's Arsenic and Old Lace
SCR: What influenced you to audition for Dundas Little Theatre's Arsenic and Old Lace?
JL: I was involved with several shows at DLT before Covid and wanted to get back in the game. Last season I helped behind the scenes on Myth of the Ostrich and An Inspector Calls. That was great, but I missed being up on stage so I came out to auditions this year. I also remember watching the movie version of Arsenic and Old Lace when I was younger -- and realized it would be a quirky and fun show to be part of. It's got an energy all its own, with unique characters and a twisty plot.
SCR: For those unfamiliar with Arsenic and Old Lace, how will the show speak to audiences?
JL: The show's got a dark streak -- I mean, there are actual bodies in the cellar -- but it's also charming, lively, and funny. It's a great show to enjoy around the Hallowe'en season.
SCR: What challenges, if any, have you faced while bringing your character to life and what have you taken from the experience?
JL: I play the main character's younger brother, who believes he's Teddy Roosevelt. The best part about playing Teddy is the the joy and enthusiasm he has for being president. It's an energetic, fun role to play. I did have to learn how to blow a bugle though -- which isn't as easy as it looks.
SCR: How have you explored the themes of mental illness, particularly with your character Teddy, and how that impacts the comedic aspects of the show?
JL: Mental illness is definitely part of the character make-up and plot of the show, but it's handled in a lighthearted way. As Mortimer says: "Insanity runs in my family… It practically gallops." I think when it comes to Teddy the important thing is the love and support he gets from his aunts and the community… as long as he's not blowing his bugle in the middle of the night!
SCR: What have you found rewarding about bringing this production to the stage?
JL: I've enjoyed being part of the production in different ways. I'm on stage, but I've also helped with the website and online promotions so it feels like I'm really invested in the show. In the end, it's just great to be part of bringing a fun, entertaining show to the audience!
SCR: What inspired you and your partner to come forward with these ideas and how will these changes help audiences this season?
JL: I helped launch the new version of Dundas Little Theatre's website this month and my spouse, Chris, is designing the promotional materials for the shows this season. For Chris, it's a way to use their talents to support me and the local arts scene. I love being on stage, but I'm also really interested in production and helping behind the curtain. One of the biggest changes we've made as a company this year is making it possible for people to buy tickets online. It's been exciting to be part of that -- and it should make things more convenient for people to come see the shows!
Thank you Jared for your insights and dedicated work leading up to the show's opening! Arsenic and Old Lace looks to be a hit on the horizon for the company and I look forward to seeing what delights the cast and crew at Dundas Little Theatre have in store!